On Wed, Feb 22, 2012 at 05:23:27PM +0100, Olav Vitters wrote:
> Anyway, I've just tried this with a few packages. In future, I might
> automatically even do:
>   mgarepo ci -m "new version"
>   mgarepo submit
> But I want to first do more testing, plus add SHA256 verification (what
> GNOME uses and advises).

I've hooked up mga-gnome against the ftp-release-list emails[1].
Whenever a tarball is placed upon ftp.gnome.org, the script will run
- determine the package name
  Note: Currently aborts if there are multiple possible packages.. e.g.
  gtk+ tarball has gtk+2.0 and gtk+3.0 packages. Something to fix in a
  future version.
- validate version change
  to preventing go from stable->unstable
- increase version, reset release
- download tarball
- verify SHA256 hash and that patches still apply
- commit changes
- submit build

Note that I just run this on my own machine. It requires manual work
whenever I reboot (ssh public key), so not 100% reliable (on purpose).

It'll submit stuff often before I'd have time to look at any build
errors, so please look at any build error submitted be me :)

[1] http://mail.gnome.org/archives/ftp-release-list/

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