On Tue, Mar 6, 2012 at 13:23, Colin Guthrie <mag...@colin.guthr.ie> wrote:
> 'Twas brillig, and Olivier Thauvin at 06/03/12 12:38 did gyre and gimble:
>> * Colin Guthrie (mag...@colin.guthr.ie) wrote:
>>> 'Twas brillig, and Olivier Thauvin at 06/03/12 09:24 did gyre and gimble:
>>>> Hi there,
>>>> I just try to install a cauldron to setup a test IPv6 firewall/router.
>>>> To setup server I do a minimum install:
>>>> - /boot on its own partition
>>>> - /var /tmp and swap on lvm
>>>> - select no packages categories but yes install doc
>>>> - no post configuration, so no X11 (hey it's a server)
>>>> At boot the system started but stop to "starting display manager" (??)
>>>> and I were unable to reach any text terminal.
>>> No text terminal at all? Not on tty2 or 3?
>> Indeed, alt + F2 show the login prompt. But before I pressed alt + F2 ps
>> was not showing any "*getty" program, a bit confusing, especially since
>> there is nothing on first console.
>>> If you try and start dm (prefdm.service) then you will NOT get a tty1
>>> getty (prefdm.service conflicts with getty@tty1.service), but all other
>>> tty's should be fine (handled by autovt@.service)
>> Maybe, but I never asked to have prefdm and in fact I don't want X
>> terminal.
> They why are you booting to a graphical target?

>From what I read, because that's what was done during installation

prefdm shouldn't be there on installs without X

> Check your /etc/systemd/system/default.target and if it's a symlink to
> runlevel5.target or graphical.target then this is your problem.
> You should instead symlink it to multi-user.target or runlevel3.target.
>> All sys admin expect to have a tty on first console and just having
>> "starting dm service" whereas I know it cannot start is really
>> confusing.
> Sorry not sure what you mean?

When you install a new machine (without X) and boot it, you expect to
be given a login prompt

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