Op dinsdag 06 maart 2012 15:39:53 schreef Pascal Terjan:
> On Tue, Mar 6, 2012 at 14:39, Pascal Terjan <pter...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > On Tue, Mar 6, 2012 at 14:29, Oliver Burger <oliver....@googlemail.com> 
> >> According to check.mageia.org, dmenu has a broken dependency, since
> >> terminus-font is missing from i586 repositories.
> >> According to svnweb, it was last commited 7 months ago as a noarch
> >> package by wally. And it was not shown as broken dependency this
> >> weekend so it must have been deleted from the mirrors in the last few
> >> days out of some reason unknown to me. Is this a general problem on
> >> noarch packages or just some isolated thing with this package?
> > 
> > Hmm I restored it but I have no idea what happened and it is not in
> > old/ (the place where we move things to be deleted so that they stay
> > around for a few weeks)
> [schedbot@valstar ~]$ diff <(find
> /distrib/bootstrap/distrib/cauldron/i586/ -name '*noarch.rpm' | xargs
> -n1 basename |sort) <(find /distrib/bootstrap/distrib/cauldron/x86_64/
> -name '*noarch.rpm' | xargs -n1 basename | sort) | grep '^[<>]'
> > audiokonverter-5.9.1-1.mga2.tainted.noarch.rpm
> < bluez-firmware-1.2-6.mga1.noarch.rpm
> > jgoodies-animation-javadoc-1.3.0-1.mga2.noarch.rpm
> > xml-commons-apis-manual-1.4.01-6.mga2.noarch.rpm

maybe unrelated, i've rebuilt some packages these last few days because they 
were missing one of the subpackages

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