Op maandag 12 maart 2012 10:56:57 schreef Michael Scherer:
> Le lundi 12 mars 2012 à 08:29 +0100, Maarten Vanraes a écrit :
> > to get back on topic: perhaps it's not unreasonable to allow a timelimit
> > exception, like for instance 3 or 4 days where "i forgot it was freeze or
> > didn't make it in time AND it's not likely to mess everything up" kind of
> > reason...
> That was already discussed when we discussed the release cycle. And
> basically, that would just "let's reduce the freeze by 3/4 days in a
> more inefficient way". You just move the bickering at the 3/4 days limit
> ( "but it could have bene if I had submitted yesterday" ) instead of the
> beggining of the freeze, and you take time to the people who are
> submitting, since they get message, have to warn packager about "it
> doesn't work" ( as it happened several time last freeze period ).
> So next time, maybe we should have a pure good faith based system,
> - everybody can do as he see fit

I'll take this suggestion as a cynic suggestions and ignore it for now

> Patch welcome, but frankly, I think there is a point where the duty of
> being informed must be on the packagers. It is rather depressing to
> realize that people do not read the announce you send ( and what is more
> depressing is the number of those that don't once you start to dig out
> ).
> If some people missed the announce, maybe we should ask them "where do
> you read information about the project and where don't you read", so we
> can identify the communication channel that should be used and those
> that shouldn't, as i am not sure that hammering more is the solution.

I do understand both your pov, and i do remember that discussion.

IMHO: good strict policies are good, and exceptions are exceptions.

but we should also try to prevent irritation if it's possible... we're short 
on contributors and I don't like to decrease motivation... I guess that makes 
me more lax than others.

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