in order to investigate hangs or slow boots or whatever, it would be useful to 
have some kind of key combination that lists the current systemd jobs and 
where it's hanging/waiting or whatever

either that or detect a hang an spawn some kind of emergency login somewhere

actually, if i'm really pulling out my want-to-have book, howabout a tty that 
(until it can actually get a tty), shows an top like watch of current jobs in 
systemd, where you can force some kind of process, ie: killing it, or letting 
all the dependant ones go through.

perhaps that could be on the tty that would eventually always become a tty (as 
i remember we talked about)

let's say that tty12 gets the kernel logging, then tty11 could show first 
dracut/udev stuff, then proceed with systemd jobs, and when it can get a tty, 
to be reserved for tty. (all the others could be reserved for graphicals then)

that way, no matter what happens, you get some nice info/tty availability.

ok, give all this nice-to-have...

is there a way we can find out why a boot hangs? is there some logging we can 
check in a rescue or ...?

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