2012/4/9 Dimitrios Glentadakis <dgl...@gmail.com>:
> I installed cauldron in virtualbox in English locale.
> I try to switch to Greek (el) but even after reboot the enviroment is always 
> in English
> What i did:
> I installed the locales-el package and after choosing the Greek localisation 
> in MCC i have the follow folders:
> /usr/share/locale
> el_CY/
> el_CY.UTF-8/
> el_GR/
> el_GR.UTF-8/
> these folders dont contain any translation file.
> in my Mageia 1 system the translations are situated in
> /usr/share/locale
> el/
> The drakconf.mo file i can find it in :
> drakconf:/usr/share/locale/el/LC_MESSAGES/drakconf.mo
> and no in any of the el_GR* folders
> I remember in an older installation that in order to have mcc and terminal 
> messages in Greek i had to choose the localization during the first 
> installation, if not it remained in English. But it was a long time ago and i 
> dont have in my mind more details..
> It is an issue that worth to open a bug report ?
> --
> Dimitrios Glentadakis

Please correct me if I'm wrong about it, as I cannot confirm it right now.

When you install Mageia/Mandriva, all other locale translations,
except the locales you specified during installation, will be removed.
So if I install Mageia with Chinese locale, my system won't have
translations from other languages except Chinese.

Now if you want to add a new language after install, e.g. Greek,
installing locales-el is not enough. You need the translations, but
only some of them are available as stand-alone packages, e.g.
kde-l10n-el, firefox-el, libreoffice-langpack-el. For other softwares,
the translations will be installed when the packages updates are
available, or you have to re-install the packages which contains *.mo

I remember there was a discussion in Mandriva i18n list about how to
improve language selection/localedrake behavior, e.g. download
localepacks which includes translations/mo files.

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