Em 30-04-2012 16:28, Thomas Backlund escreveu:
30.04.2012 17:05, Thierry Vignaud skrev:
On 30 April 2012 15:51, Thomas Backlund<t...@mageia.org> wrote:
So RC (and final) are getting closer, as usual the livecds are
problematic to get nice contents, while staying within the 700M limit
While it is too late for 2, I feel we should think again what MUST be in
the Live medias : while a software missing is bad for tests (you have to
install it), it is much harder to understand what misses if you try to
plug a usb printer.
I'd put system-config-printer in the Live medias as it's main purpose is
testing hardware compatibility before install. But this means either :
- work again against space problems removing huge things le LibreOffice
- consider that 700MB limit should be raised and only keep Dual arch as
CD-rom compatible media...