Le 09/06/2012 15:24, Robert Fox a écrit :
Error: There has been an error.
Error running /home/rfox/newshosting-1.2.1/newshosting.sh  :
/home/rfox/newshosting-1.2.1/newshosting: error while loading shared
libgthread-2.0.so.0: cannot open shared object file: No such file or
Press [Enter] to continue :

[rfox@foxbase Downloads]$ locate libgthread-2.0.so.0
[rfox@foxbase Downloads]$

So why is it not finding it when it clearly exists?
Probably because of an architecture mismatch (32 vs 64 bits).

The bullet that is forgotten while installing an antenna systems will always be at the base of the antenna, and discovered at 5pm on a Friday after the tower crew has left
                -- Murphy's Laws of Broadcast Engineering n°7

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