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Il 09/06/2012 22:53, andre999 ha scritto:
> - Just marking all backport repos as update repos is almost enough
> to solve the problem, in terms of the tools installing the
> backports. Great idea ! We just have to tweak the tools so that a
> backport is only installed as an update of a backport.
e.g. as update repository.
great, at least someone got my point, i think i have said that in the
beginning of this thread or the related one for mgaupdate...

> - using "bp" in the file name is nice and short, and definitively
> marks it as a backport for the tools, and for the user once
> installed.  (I would put it in the revision field.) I like this
> approach, as it doesn't matter from where the package is installed;
> it will always be recognized as a backport.
I'm not a rpm macro guru, but i think we should change mkrel for that
and we should also manage bpmga1, bpmga2, etc. So I can't see why, since
a bpmgaX package could always be uploaded without respecting any
upgradable rules...

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