mercoledì 13 giugno 2012 alle 00:53, nicolas vigier ha scritto:
> We are talking about backports, not updates, so we don't care about
> versionning policy of updates. And backports can have higher version
> than 'release' repository of next version, that's what this thread is
> about.
??? The policy should be the *same*, otherwise you won't have an upgradable
system, something is in bp for n-1 could be:
a) in core for n
b) in update for n
c) in bp for n
In any of them it should be upgradable, so why shouldn't we
follow the versioning policy for updates, since a bp for mageia n-1
*is* an upgrade/update in mageia n?

ennael could we add a point in tonight meeting? i seem we talked
a lot and reached no decisions...


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