
Sorry for the delay, I've been busy with end-of-term festivals in
my children' schools ;)...

- keyboard layout under Gnome got reset to English (from Spanish).
Changed manually under
   system settings and fine again.

One addtional problem is that GDM starts with english keyboard which
is a problem for passwords with non alpha-num chars... :).

Interesting. Does this new setting survive a reboot? Does the new
mapping work at the system level (i.e. is the layout respected in GDM)?

Yep, the setting survives a reboot for the user that changed it, but
as I said above it does not change GDM settings. I did not try to do it
with system tools, just user preferences.
And keymap is OK in virtual consoles.

Do you have a /etc/vconsole.conf file?

Nop, I have not. I think system settings were in /etc/sysconfig/keyboard.

OK, so I don't really understand why it's broken. I think it's maybe a
regression in that X is no longer inheriting settings from the console,
but I think longer term this is a valid thing (maybe there will not be a
console to inherit from in the future?)

So, it seems that systemd-localed will write an Xorg snippet into
/etc/X11/xorg.conf.d/00-keyboard.conf when the keyboard is set. Thus
your setting of it via the Gnome System Settings will have written this
file (can you confirm it exists?) and it will remain there for the
remaining boots.

This file does not exist in my box, I just used user prefs to change
the map, not sytem ones.

Longer term, we need to make sure the installer runs this daemon for
fresh installs. And perhaps we should run it on upgrade automatically
too to ensure it's written as needed.

I will try to write an /etc/vconsole.conf and see if it works.
Perhaps the fix is just to write it from /etc/syscofig/keyboard...

J.A. Magallon <jamagallon()ono!com>        \               Winter is coming...

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