Wrong ML, sorry ;)

2012/6/27 Rémi Verschelde <r...@verschelde.fr>:
> Hi,
> As Oliver proposed in the “Mageia 2 post-mortem” topic on this mailing
> list, our team meeting will be held tomorrow, on Thursday 28th at
> 17.30 UTC (that is 18h30 London time and 19h30 Paris time, search for
> the correspondance with your timezone here[1] if you don't know what
> is the Δt in your case). As usual the meeting will be on Freenode's
> #mageia-i18n IRC channel.
> We will discuss quite important topics for our team and workflow so
> please try to attend.
> The topics will be:
> 1) Mageia 2 post-mortem: see this mail[2] for the various feedback and
> suggestions.
> 2) Transifex replacement; clarification of the workflow until we
> replace Tx with something else.
> 3) Wiki translation: this has been discussed yesterday in the
> documentation team meeting. I will try to see with Marja and Oliver
> what is the current status.
> 4) Feel free to suggest other topics.
> See you tomorrow!
> Regards,
> Rémi / Akien
> [1] http://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/
> [2] https://www.mageia.org/pipermail/mageia-i18n/2012-June/002988.html

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