Am 06.07.2012 08:18, schrieb AL13N:
Op donderdag 5 juli 2012 23:52:39 schreef Claire Robinson:
With respect Nicolas, you're not on the receiving end.

allthough i see badly worded(possibly to look offensive) sentences, i don't
think this is intentional, and more a problem of communication than something
else. I often have the feeling that certain sentences from french people come
accross as rude to me. I've come to understand that this is not the intention,
but somehow related to how french sentences are built and how it's been
translated to english.

The same thing was pointed out to me by a native speaker (as MrsB is), when I wrote an answer that somehow was rather rude to the receiver. We have to keep in mind, that most of us are non native speakers and that all of us have slightly different cultures. So - although it may be hard - it would be good for the native speakers among us, not to put every word through a rudeness detector. I know the Brits are far more courteous then the Germans (and perhaps the French as well?), so let's go back to fixing bugs and not feeling hurt by people who might not even be rude from their point of view...


Oliver Burger aka obgr_seneca

Mageia contributor

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