On Wed, Aug 29, 2012 at 10:31:50PM +0100, Johnny wrote in <201208292331.58583.coo...@solbu.net>:
I have installed mga2 on a system which is replacing an old system, and as soon 
as I boot after selecting Mageia on the GRUB menu (which is default), the 
screen goes black and it doesn't work ever untill I reboot. I have blacklisted 
the nouveau module and ran dracut again to generate a new image.
It now goes black at aout the time where it is starting X, and again the screen is blank 
untill I get back to the "BIOS startup screen".

The card is a GeForce 6800 GTO.
I am Not using any proprieraty drivers, nor have I enabled tainted or non-free 
repos. I have simply done a standard boot.iso network install and rebooted.

Any idea on how to proceed?

Is only one graphic card detected on this system? This sounds similar to what I had on a reasonably recent laptop which detected two graphical "cards" and where the system got confused. (It didn't help that the two chips needed different drivers).


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