2012/9/14 Johnny A. Solbu <coo...@solbu.net>:
> On Friday 14 September 2012 14:03, Damian Ivanov wrote:
>> - OBS is the most widely-used build system
> In my view, that's not a good argument. The fact that most people do one 
> thing does not mean that we should do it.
> I remember I used to use the same argument when agruing with my mother when I 
> wanted something.
> "Everyone else have/use it", to which she replied: "I'm not everyone else's 
> mother"  :-)=

Without being a developer myself I agree to Colin. The Mageia build
system took time and sweat to be built up to a point where all people
involved know their way with it. It has no annoying flaws (as far as I
can tell from reading this list) nor is it obsolete like some
unmaintained software package.

Coming from this I think there has to be some very good and
irresistable reasons to switch to another system, especially when most
of the people would have to go back to point 1 to start to work with
it. Better reasons than "all my friends have it".


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