PhilippeDidier a écrit :
> Johnny A. Solbu a écrit :
>> On Saturday 22 September 2012 02:45, PhilippeDidier wrote:
>>> %install
>>> make DESTDIR=%buildroot  install
>> Use %makeinstall instead of the make DESTDIR command.
>> It's shorter, and does the same. And it conforms to policy, if I'm not 
>> mistaken.
> thanks
> Philippe
I really surrender !

I don't understand where the difference between  Mandriva2010.2 and
Mageia2 may stand ...

I wanted to try to package and test the softwares before requesting
those rpms to be added in Mageia. (as I have often  done in the past ...
providing tested spec files to submitters)

Here I'm stuck !!!

If anyone want to try to import the srpms from Mandriva 2010.2 he's

they must be packaged (and installed) in that order :

Perhaps it's only a problem on my own Mageia2 install (but where ?)

Thanks again to Thomas AL13N Johnny ...

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