03.10.2012 17:07, Guillaume Rousse kirjutas:
Which means using 'nonfree' repository instead of 'tainted'...

OK, let's vote here:
- how many people for using 'tainted' ?
- how many people for using 'non-free' ?

Any solution involving technical changes doesn't qualify for a simple solution, and doesn't seems worth the effort for just a single package...

Well, you can't list 'non-free' as an option here as faac contains content that belongs to tainted repo. If you land it there we will cause problems for some mirrors and that is a no-go option.

If you want to vote then we can vote between those options:
- land it in 'tainted'
- it remains excluded

My vote goes to tainted. Yes, non-free and free packages will be mixed but most users would vote for including it. Free software lovers can just avoid it. They should be better informed than normal user anyway.


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