On Fri, 26 Oct 2012, PhilippeDidier wrote:

Guillaume Rousse a écrit :
Hello list.

The case of faac package has been discussed several times already:


So far, the conclusion was than we had no perfect solution to handle the
case of a software being having both licensing and patents issue,
whereas usually software only suffer from one of these problems only,
and than creating a dedicated 4th repository was unreasonable. Hence the
removal of the package from the mirrors (but not from our svn...).

unfortunately ...
three weeks after the last post on this thread
a long silence

The problem is the following:

1. faac cannot go into main (see 2 & 3)
2. faac cannot go into tainted (it is not free software)
3. faac cannot go into nonfree (patented in some countries)

so we only have 2 options:
A. ban faac and use the AAC encoder(s) we already have in mageia
   or another one that can go into tainted
B. add a special repository for faac

I prefer option A and I patched a gstreamer based video encoding app to use vo-aacenc instead of faac a while ago.


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