2012/11/1 PhilippeDidier <philippedid...@laposte.net>:
> Christiaan Welvaart a écrit :
>> On Wed, 31 Oct 2012, PhilippeDidier wrote:
>>> I don't know actually how to create *.aac files or *.mp4 files with
>>> Mageia... if you help me I will be happy...
>> ffmpeg -i foo.mp3 -strict -2 -codec:a aac -format adts foo.aac
>> But AFAIK this uses the ffmpeg internal aac codec which isn't very good.
>>   -codec:a libvo_aacenc      produces garbage, no idea why
>> About arista: someone decided to use the internal ffmpeg lib from
>> gstreamer-ffmpeg for gstreamer0.10-ffmpeg which broke arista. Now arista
>> must be ported to gstreamer1.0 .
>>     Christiaan
> So ...
> You can understand, now, if you need to create aac or mpa or mp4 files :
> that faac works
> that softwares built with it work too
> that nothing inside Mageia work (libvo_aacenc is really bad quality when
> it doesn't produce garbages)
> that we have been waiting since Mageia exists for an hypthetic GPL
> alternative to faac
> that to satisfy exclusive gpl software policy in tainted repo we are stuck
> What do you propose then ?

After reading all arguments again I must confess that I changed my
opinion: Being consequent and following our road we need a
/tainted-free and a /tainted-nonfree branch.
I apologise for my harsh words about the whole matter, the repeated
discussion changed my mind.


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