On 01/11/12 20:51, Barry Jackson wrote:

See how it goes :)

Last update - honest - added proper file lock as the existing method was flakey - it's finished and I'm leaving it alone now :)
Attached and also here:-

# ~/cronsync by barjac
# Run with e.g. crontab:- 30 * * * *    $HOME/cronsync
# Set using crontab -e
# List of mirrors in preference order to use:-
mymirrors=( \
"rsync://distrib-coffee.ipsl.jussieu.fr:/pub/linux/Mageia/distrib" \
"rsync://ftp.LinuxCabal.org/Mageia/distrib" \
"rsync://fr2.rpmfind.net/linux/mageia/distrib" \
"rsync://ftp.acc.umu.se/mirror/mageia/distrib" \
"rsync://mirrors.kernel.org:/mirrors/mageia/distrib" \
"rsync://mageia.c3sl.ufpr.br/mageia/distrib" \
# Set limit for loss of # of files on server before it is skipped
# Personal config:-
myexcludes="--exclude=debug --exclude=SRPMS --exclude=barjac"

# Set minimum files for first run only
[[ -f .cronsync ]] || echo "140000" > $HOME/.cronsync
# Get minimum file count for mirror (set at allowdropfiles files less than the 
last actual file count)
minfiles=$(cat .cronsync)
((actualfiles = $minfiles + $allowdropfiles))

# Function to output formatted date
echo -n $(date +%d/%m/%Y-%H:%M)

# Check a mirror
echo "Checking $1 ..."
rsync -rlptgoDhHSn \
--stats \
--delete-after \
--delete-excluded \
--protect-args \
$myexcludes \
"$1" \
"$mydestination" > $lockdir/cronsync_tmp_output
files=$(cat $lockdir/cronsync_tmp_output | grep "Number of files:" | cut -d' ' 
-f4 )
[[ $files -lt $minfiles ]] && echo "$(dte): Only $files/$actualfiles files in 
$1" | tee -a $HOME/cronsync_error.log
[[ $status > 0 ]] && echo "$(dte): Error: $status while checking $1" | tee -a 
([[ $status = 0 ]] && [[ $files -gt $minfiles ]]) || return 1
# Save new minimum file count
((minfiles = $files - $allowdropfiles))
echo $minfiles > $HOME/.cronsync
return 0

# Loop through mirror list checking until one succeeds
for mirr in ${mymirrors[@]}; do
chk_mirror $mirr && { echo "Found good mirror - $mirr"; return 0; }
echo "$(dte): Can't find a good mirror - aborting" | tee -a 
return 1
################### Main routine starts here
# Avoid running two instances concurrently
if mkdir "$lockdir"; then
trap 'rm -rf "$lockdir"' 0

# Find a good mirror from the list (with files in it)
find_good_mirror || exit 1

# Live run with --max-delete set to 1000 just in case ;)
echo "Syncing from $mirr ..."
rsync -rlptgoDhHS \
--progress \
--stats \
--delete-after \
--max-delete=1000 \
--delete-excluded \
--protect-args \
$myexcludes \
"$mirr" \
"$mydestination" | tee $HOME/cronsync_last.log
[[ $status = 0 ]] || { echo "$(dte): Live run rsync error: $status" >> 
$HOME/cronsync_error.log; exit 1; }
echo "Update complete"
echo "$(dte): cronsync already running or stale lock - skipping update - check 
/tmp/cronsync.lock" >> $HOME/cronsync_error.log
exit 0
################### End of cronsync

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