2012/11/8 Anne Wilson <cannewil...@googlemail.com>:
>> This is an official letter, and therefore should have the official
>> address to the recipient.
>> Consider using a more generinc term, like «Greetings» or «Good
>> morgning» (depending on the time of day you send the email.) or a
>> similar term.
>> This is far too colloquial, and unsuitable for a letter to an
>> official body.
> Agreed.

Yes, +1

But here we have the differences of English "rules" in different
countries and even schools. In Germany in "Business English" I learned
to address the recipient in an official letter with

"Madam, Sir,

On behalf of........"

No "dear" or "forever yours" :)

I received some official letters with that same address from English
companies (mostly unwanted business offers but nevertheless), one even
from a company specialized in setting up LTD organisations by UK laws.


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