Hi there,
I have just installed mga3 beta1 on a brand new machine for my folks and everything went fantastically fine in a first try. Congrats.

So I decided to test other options and managed to end up in an infinite loop that hung the installer. There how to do it:

1) choose additional sources with http

2) accept the default mirror chosen (which was in Germany). Unfortunately that default mirror was very very slow

3) Many packages got downloaded from that mirror with an estimated time of 3-4 hours, so I clicked on "Annuler" (french install)

4) The installer went on with only the DVD package but ended up being frozen soon after.

Playing with the CTRL+ALT+Fi, the do loop was due to pango packages already installed from the network before the "annuler" and more recent that the ones on the DVD.

The log were incessantly showing:

"Chosen pano-1.32.4... for pango
more recent pango-1.32.5... is installed
but does not provide 1.32.4...
Selecting pango 1.32.4...
Unselecting pango 1.32.4..."

and the same message repeted forever

Hope it helps!


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