Sorry for the trouble, but I didn't get to do it in time (and Anne told me on IRC, this would be possible).

I updated the gis software stack, because parts of it were quite out of date.

Please submit these packages in the following build order:

geos (new minor version)
gdal (rebuild)
postgis (new version, 1.5 was really out of date)
grass (rebuild)
libspatialite (new package needed by new qgis)
libspatialindex (new package needed by new qgis)
qgis (somebody already updated it in svn but never built it successfully)
mapserver (new version)

They all built locally on an up to date cauldron, so it shouldn't make any problems. If it does, just contact me.



Oliver Burger aka obgr_seneca

Mageia contributor

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