On Sun, Jan 20, 2013 at 11:30 AM, Robert Wood
<robert.w...@apostrophe.co.uk> wrote:
> Thanks for the reply, but it doesn't really make sense or seem to answer the
> question. I was wondering why bother with v295 when you could go for a more
> recent (ie most up to date) release?!

Because of our updates policy:

For the most part, an update should consist of a patched build of the
same version of the package released with the distribution, with a few
- Bug fix only release. There is no point in shipping all the fixes as
patches if the new version does not contain any new feature.
- Software versions that are no longer supported upstream with updates
(firefox and thunderbird seem to fall into this category these days)
- Software that is version-bound to an online service (games, virus
scanners?) and will only work with the latest version.
We will make exceptions for packages that did not make it into mga1
and are additions to the distribution, provided they do not impact any
other packages and can pass full QA.
Updates are not the appropriate place for packages created to satisfy
certain user's urges for "the latest". These types of builds belong in


New releases only go on next verson or in backports (once they're open).

P.S.: Please don't top post next time.


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