> 2013/1/24 Oliver Burger <oliver....@gmail.com>:
>> Am 24.01.2013 01:11, schrieb eatdirt:
>>> Indeed. The other suggestion would be to bet a lot of Belgian beers,
>> That's an option for after dinner :D
>> See you next week for some talking and Belgian beers...
> I had no objections against the restaurant and the dinner in 2011.
> Location, food & drinks were ok. I did not hear or read negative
> "reviews", although I don't know what happened when the drinking
> started after Oliver and I left.

i had some negative comment, but looking back now (especially after the
difference with 2012)... it might not have been that bad.

the problem here is that i almost never go into the brussels region, and i
was of the opinion that belgian food was the best of the world.

i guess i need to exclude the brussels region from that.

it's just stupid that due to location, we're forced to eat expensive and
not the best-of-the-world food...

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