On Thu, Jan 24, 2013 at 11:59 AM, Pascal Terjan <pter...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Thu, Jan 24, 2013 at 10:37 AM, Sander Lepik <sander.le...@eesti.ee> wrote:
>> Hash: SHA1
>> 24.01.2013 12:28, Pascal Terjan kirjutas:
>>> On Thu, Jan 24, 2013 at 3:22 AM, Thomas Spuhler
>>> <tho...@btspuhler.com> wrote:
>>>> I eliminated the package python-pkg-resources and put the two+
>>>> files into the basic package python- distribute. The reason is as
>>>> stated below:
>>>> Hey!
>>>> I can see you have imported python-distribute that generates
>>>> package python-pkg-resources.
>>>> And now the problem:
>>>> http://pkgsubmit.mageia.org/uploads/rejected/cauldron/core/release/20130113212011.umeabot.valstar.22055.youri
>> - - python-setuptools generates package with same name. I think you should
>>>> rename yours to python-pkg-resources-distribute or something like
>>>> that.
>>> The problem is that python-distribute should have then been
>>> uploaded just after. python-pkg-resources got cleaned from the
>>> mirrors because it was a leftover package built from a src.rpm
>>> which no longer existed, and the one from python-distribute had not
>>> been uploaded.
>> Not python-distribute but python-setuptools. They both had
>> python-pkg-resources as sub-package. And as python-distribute has
>> bigger version its subpackage was uploaded. That package should come
>> from python-setuptools as it was before Thomas imported python-distribute.
> Yes sorry, mixed them :)
> But now we need to fix the problem: python-setuptools can not be
> uploaded while this package is still here (as the version is lower) or
> if the package is removed (as chroot creation will fail).
> I think I will force the upload of python-setuptools

BS should be fixed now, tell me if any pbs.


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