On Mon, 28 Jan 2013 20:08:21 +0000, Barry Jackson wrote:

> Create a partition preferably near the start of the drive and label it 
> "maingrub" then:

Is there any technical reason why 'preferably near the start of the drive'?
  (Or perhaps simpy advisable in case of re-partitioning?)
Does it e.g. have to be a primary partition?

Well, I suppose I could give up Mga3-cauldron in /dev/sda and install Beta2
further along the drive, so as to make /dev/sda available, but it would be
simpler to add 'maingrub' after the highest existing partition.

> mkdir -p /maingrub && \
> mount -L maingrub /maingrub && \
> grub2-install --root-directory=/maingrub /dev/sda

  Executed in any running Mageia-3-Cauldron system (with GRUB2 package
installed presumably)?
  Looks dodgy to make MBR point to 'maingrub' before latter has a boot menu...
     (Presumably the thing to do is put that menu there first.)
All sounds a bit nail-biting, with high risk of a boot failure!


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