zezinho <lists.jjorge@...> writes:
> hi, while working on a package (powermanga-0.91) I ended on a warning 
> that is treated as error.
> As far as I have found in internet, it may be a false positive, am I as 
> packager allowed by our policy to disable it? And how?
> images.c:821:4: error: missing initializer 
> [-Werror=missing-field-initializers]
> images.c:821:4: error: (near initialization for ‘text[0].itxt_length’) 
> [-Werror=missing-field-initializers]

You can check with upstream if there's a fix for this.

In the meantime, you can disable the warning as error with:
export CFLAGS="%{optflags} -Wno-error=missing-field-initializers"

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