Op dinsdag 19 februari 2013 15:52:08 schreef atilla ontas:
> Hi there. I merely working on zemberek and its dependencies for Mageia
> Cauldron. As a Turkish sporen guy; i'd like to see zemberek in
> repositories. Zemberek is a natural language processing library for Turkic
> languages (Turkish, Azerbaijanin, Turkmen etc.), It is written in java.
> Altough its development stalled since 2010; it is still working on Magea,
> Also zemberek is the only true Turkish spell checking app. Aspell-tr won't
> do right corrections.
> Zemberek needs apache-mina < 1.8, libmatthew-java, slfj4 and dbus-java
> packages to run. While it won't work apache-mina package in official
> repositores; i decided to apache-mina-1.1.7 in zemberek-server package;
> also i patched libmatthew-java due to
> bug#9002<https://bugs.mageia.org/show_bug.cgi?id=9002>.
> Also i hava made package for Al-Anvar, a Holy Qur'an study tool.
> So, if you mind to inspect, review and add to repositories those apps it
> will be awesome.
> I'm willing to be a packager but have little time to work on packages due
> to my job and familiy, AItough i can not attend weekly meetings most of
> time, still is it possible? May i find a mentor?

alot of us have jobs and family and little time, even if you only maintain 
your packages, that is fine. you can contribute and find a mentor no problem.

on the mageia wiki page, there's some information on packaging and our 
policies, and there's also a page for you to put your name to find a mentor.

but, nothing stops you from already contributing if you don't have a mentor, 
you can already file bug reports for new packages, and attach your spec files 
for review. also, on #mageia-mentoring, you can always ask for questions on 
policies or packaging, even if you don't have a mentor yet.

also the meetings are public on IRC, and we have meeting logs, so if you want 
to be up2date regarding the meetings, you can read the logs. i also advise you 
to subscribe to the mageia-dev mailing list, since that one has sometimes 
crucial info on packaging.

good luck

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