On Tue, Mar 5, 2013 at 11:11 AM, Colin Guthrie <mag...@colin.guthr.ie>wrote:

> Anything that relies on ordering is just broken by design. We need to
> handle things gracefully regardless of the order they are detected. This
> is why UUIDs are the defacto method for filesystem identification these
> days and why in mga4 we'll likely switch to a consistent naming scheme
> for networking devices too.

Yes, I understand that cryptic-looking UUIDs are the defacto identifiers
but when mdadm reports that /dev/sdf1 has failed in a parity RAID setup, it
will be good if a mere mortal can know which drive to replace. :o)

Also "modprobe ordering" is increasingly not true either as many modules
> are automatically loaded when the hardware is present.

Yes, but it is possible to override the automatic loading...which is why I
like the modular approach.

Now that I understand the reasons for going back to statically compiled
drivers, I'm OK with rolling my own.

Thanks -- RJ

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