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On 07/03/13 19:14, AL13N wrote:
> Op donderdag 7 maart 2013 12:18:09 schreef Anne Wilson:
>> On 07/03/13 12:03, AL13N wrote:
>>>> On 07/03/13 04:38, R James wrote:
>>> [...]
>>>>> So the 'nickname' feature you request is available with a
>>>>> little pre-install preparation and post-install config file
>>>>> editing.
>>>>> Hope this helps -- RJ
>>>> Thanks.  It will help a lot for my own use.  However, that
>>>> really needs to be included in the gui disk partitioning, so
>>>> that people can find and use it.  I'm fairly sure there is no
>>>> way to do that at present.
>>> imho: dolphin already shows the filesystem label; but, imho,
>>> there is no need to use label instead of uuid on the inside...
>>> it's not like most people actually look into fstab...
>>> i'm not sure, but i thought the expert had a way to change
>>> label in filesystems in the partitioner. label isn't used in
>>> fstab, but i don't think it should.
>> OK - when I partition, I do add an identifier, which may be what
>> jpbfree referred to, but what I see in Dolphin is not, IMO, very
>> helpful.  The shortcut added to Places shows the long number, not
>> Win_C or anything like that.  Maybe this is a Dolphin fault - I
>> don't know.
>> Anne
> i've always seen the labels of the USB-sticks and such, and they
> are also just filesystem labels. also i've seen at least in the
> past also the labels of other filesystems that i didn't mount
Interestingly, USB sticks etc. do show their labels in Dolphin.  I
wonder why the Windows partition behaves differently?

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