David Walser wrote:
> I saw an article this morning on LinuxToday that reminded me of the famous 
> shell forkbomb that most of you are probably aware of (I became 
aware of it several years ago from someone's e-mail signature on a mailing 
> http://cyberarms.wordpress.com/2012/11/26/an-eleven-character-linux-denial-of-service-attack-how-to-defend-against-it/
> This also reminded me that we don't have protection against this out of the 
> box in Mageia.
> I checked on Fedora, and it turns out they do, as described here:
> https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=432903
> Their pam package has a /etc/security/limits.d/90-nproc.conf file that has:
> # Default limit for number of user's processes to prevent
> # accidental fork bombs.
> # See rhbz #432903 for reasoning.
> *        soft    nproc    1024
> As the last comment on the bug says, it's a bit confusing that it's in 
> limits.d/ and not the limits.conf file itself, and in fact I'm not 
sure what is responsible for processing limits.d/* as limits.conf says nothing 
about it (Fedora's is the exact same as ours).  Anyway, one 
way or another it would be nice to have this limit set by default on Mageia, 

I added this exactly as Fedora has in pam-1.1.6-4.mga3.  Let me know if it 
causes problems or doesn't work.

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