On 23 March 2013 13:31, Thierry Vignaud <thierry.vign...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> >> @thierry: i donno what you think of it, but imo:
>>> >> A) fixing lstdetect would be the cleanest way (maybe not the simplest)
>>> >> B) perhaps in the comparing i can workaround this, but the compare code
>>> >> will not be as simple as it should...
>>> >
>>> > forgot to mention option C:
>>> >
>>> > C) using kmod in stage1
>>> >
>>> > but option C might not be as easy and will increase the stage1 size; and
>>> > raises the question if stage2 is actually still needed then...?
>>> As already said, stage1 uses ldetect which use libkmod, thus we already
>>> are linked to it.
>>> mdv switched to kmod.
>>> You can look at it.
>>> But show me the patch before commiting it.
>>> In the meantime please upload a stage1 with your change revertd
>> yeah, this might be over my head as a beginner in this kind of code...
>> I was hoping a simple workaround would do for now, since we're already this
>> late...
>> but i guess since we're linking into libkmod anyway, it might as well be 
>> done.
>> i'm not confident, but i'll give it a try.
> I've backported the needed changes.
> I've tested it with USB hid, it worked.
> Please test too (normal modules + xen).
> Then I'll submit it

Ping? Can you test it?

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