Please submit libmtp 1.1.6 (1.1.5 for now):
A bug fix and improvements release.

Changes from 1.1.5 to 1.1.6:

- Soname - binary compatible, new interfaces
  have been added.

- Devices, devices, devices... I think I had a hundred (no kidding)
  reports for the Nexus 4. It seems hackers just love this device
  and cannot wait for me to spin a new libmtp.

- More careful autoprobing code for Linux, running around in
  sysfs to try to avoid opening non-MTP devices. The libusb devs
  do not uniformly like this idea but what shall I do? People
  still want their devices to autodetect. Any hints welcome,
  any patches will be reviewed.

- Interface extenstions from Philip Langdale to support the
  Android in-place read/write extensions. This will be used by
  GVFS for editing files etc, it is actually very useful when
  treating the MTP device as a "real" filesystem. It only works
  on Android devices with Google's MTP stack, but hey, that is
  a fair share of the MTP devices used today.

- Several fixes and memory leaks fixed by Lei Zhang courtesy if
  the Chromebook project, thanks Google!

- Did you know that Microsoft silently dropped the MTPZ extension
  from Windows Phone 8? Now you know. Newer Windows Phone
  devices are reported to work out-of-the-box with libmtp.

Damien Lallement
twitter: damsweb - IRC: damsweb/coincoin

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