Please submit waagent 1.3.2 (1.2 for now).
26 Feb 2013, WALinuxAgent 1.3.2
   . Fix name error in _HttpGet/HttpPost exception handlers.

15 Feb 2013, WALinuxAgent 1.3.1
   . Merge RPM packaging information.
. Capture all system command output if an error has occurred. Normalization
      of shell commands on python subprocess module.
. Duplicate non-verbose log output to /dev/console. This to support serial logging from boot when console=/dev/ttyS0 is set in the kernel boot options.
   . Merge Ubuntu packaging.
   . Fixed typo in DVD mounting procedure, thanks Ante.

18 Jan 2013, WALinuxAgent 1.3
. Add some error checking and robustness to DVD mounting operation during
   . Remove redundant check for IP and Port in LoadBalancerProbe
. Add check to self.computername to detect empty hostname in configuration
   . Fix manual uninstall on Ubuntu

Damien Lallement
twitter: damsweb - IRC: damsweb/coincoin

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