On Mar 31, 2008, at 2:45 PM, Marko Novakovic wrote:

I established collaboration with professor Srdjan
Stnkovic from my faculty, about his mentoring me about
SVM. Next week I expose my ideas how I would
paralelize solution which I apply at Google's Summer
of Code.
Who would be my possible mentor from Appache?

See http://mahout.markmail.org/message/43yvfxaux4rp2wce

For everyone applying for GSOC, not just Marko:

We have a good number of applications and will probably only get 1 or 2 students (I'm not even sure 1 is guaranteed but it is likely), even though we have 4 willing mentors since the ASF is slotted a certain number of students for the whole group. I would encourage everyone to make sure their proposals are as strong as you can possibly make them. This means timelines, bios, supporting materials, recommendations, references, etc. Basic job interview stuff, I guess.

I can't speak to the other evaluators, but I know at least part of my criteria will be based on the level of details provided, etc. In my mind, it is not enough to simply say you are going to work on some ML algorithm, or, as some have said, claim to implement all 10 algorithms in the NIPS paper on the wiki in 3 months, or pick one once the project starts. I'd also make some effort to show you have done your background research and include any references that you have that discuss the problem or would be helpful in us understanding them better.


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