> I propose a branch. Diffs from the branch to the trunk can still be
> posted on the JIRA, but I think that a branch would be worthwhile in
> facilitating collaboration.

Do you mean -- for merging with the code I posted earlier?

By the way, I've intergrated Colt from Mahout with our code base.
Interesting things started to happen. First, we had this:

Caused by: java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException: -1
        at org.apache.mahout.math.Sorting.quickSort0(Sorting.java:725)
        at org.apache.mahout.math.Sorting.quickSort0(Sorting.java:773)
        at org.apache.mahout.math.Sorting.quickSort(Sorting.java:662)

When we added debugging statements -- the exception was gone. After a
(longer) while, I checked for VM bugs. Yes, that was it -- there was a
bug in the release of SUN's JVM 1.5 that we had on our server (for
running 1.5-compliance builds). We upgraded that release and... we
still have random exceptions with the above stack. More -- we have
them with the newest 1.6 as well... Adding debugging statements makes
the builds pass in flying colors. The bug only happens on one machine
(which does have memory correction and is a server-class stuff).

In other words -- I've no idea what is happening.


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