On Wed Robin Anil <robin.a...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Greetings! Fellow GSOC alums, administrators and dear mentors, the
> next edition is right here. Details are given in the link below.
> https://groups.google.com/group/google-summer-of-code-discuss/browse_thread/thread/d839c0b02ac15b3f

Some additional notes to committers: 

First of all mentoring a GSoC student is a great experience, so if
you do have some cycles left, I would highly recommend participating in
GSoC as a mentor (thanks Grant for convincing myself last year...).

We had several successful students here at Mahout in past GSoC years.
Each year there were strong proposals for projects within Mahout. As a
results projects usually turn out to be interesting for both, mentor
and student.

One final note: If there is anyone on this list who might be interested
in helping with general ASF GSoC logistics and administration tasks,
please have a look at the newly founded community development project

> Maybe we could identify key areas in Mahout which we need to develop
> apart from the ML implementations and list it down for students to
> see before they start trickling in.

And motivate students to come up with their own ideas and discuss them
on-list before submitting their submission.

> Some ideas:
> Benchmarking Framework with EC2 wrappers

+1 I would love to see that.

> Commandline Console+Launcher like Hbase and hadoop


> Online Tool/Query UI for Algorithms in Mahout(like CF)
> Possible ideas(I have no idea what i am talking here but there are
> nice problems to solve)
> Improvements in Math?
> How to tackle management of datasets?
> Error Recovery if a job fails?

How to tackle managment of learned classification models?

Better tooling for Mahout integration? (Lucene for tokenization and
analysers?, data import and export?)


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