On Sun, Feb 7, 2010 at 10:56 PM, Jake Mannix <jake.man...@gmail.com> wrote:
> MAHOUT-185 </jira/browse/MAHOUT-185>Add mahout shell script for easy
> launching of various algorithms </jira/browse/MAHOUT-185>

This one I'd disagree with, it's not a blocker in any sense, has been
on the books a while and there's not evidence of progress. Marking it
for 0.4 in no way means it won't happen, just indicates we're not
waiting another week on it.

> MAHOUT-228 </jira/browse/MAHOUT-228>Need sequential logistic regression
> implementation using SGD techniques </jira/browse/MAHOUT-228>
> MAHOUT-180 </jira/browse/MAHOUT-180>port Hadoop-ified Lanczos SVD
> implementation from decomposer
> </jira/browse/MAHOUT-180>MAHOUT-242</jira/browse/MAHOUT-242>LLR
> Collocation Identifier </jira/browse/MAHOUT-242>
> The first two have been on the 0.3 list for a while and should go in.
>  MAHOUT-180 I've reopened to track the fact that I've got a patch coming
> soon (before we cut 0.3) which puts Lanczos on Hadoop (It just needs
> testing).  MAHOUT-242 was planned for 0.3 for ages, it just hadn't been
> tagged with the release properly.

Same question I guess, who is finishing these in the next couple days?
we were supposed to be releasing 0.3 last week.

Could I talk people into an 0.25 release? and do 0.3 in a couple weeks?
And if so could we call 0.25 0.3, and 0.3 0.4? you get my drift.

We should be releasing more frequently. A call to release 0.3 isn't a
call to finish everything you want to do in the next few months, it's
a call to make sure there aren't glaring bugs or loose ends.

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