
The Lanczos algorithm is designed for eigen-decomposition, but like any such
algorithm, getting singular vectors out of it is immediate (singular vectors
of matrix A are just the eigenvectors of A^t * A or A * A^t).  Lanczos works
by taking a starting seed vector *v* (with cardinality equal to the number
of columns of the matrix A), and repeatedly multiplying A by the result:
*v'* = A.times(*v*).  In the case where A is not square (in general: not
symmetric), then you actually want to repeatedly multiply A*A^t by *v*: *v'*
= (A * A^t).times(*v*), or equivalently, in Mahout, A.timesSquared(*v*)
(timesSquared is merely an optimization: by changing the order of summation
in A*A^t.times(*v*), you can do the same computation as one pass over the
rows of A instead of two).

This sounds like Krylov iteration rather than Lanczos' algorithm.  Is this
just an issue with the description?

I was under the impression that Lanczos' and Arnoldi methods have much
better numerical stability than raw Krylov iteration.  Is there some
improvement to be had here?

Ted Dunning, CTO

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