revno: 981
committer: Mark Sapiro <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
branch nick: 2.1
timestamp: Fri 2007-06-22 10:49:27 -0700
  Scrubber.py - Cleaned up a few loose ends and incomplete things left after the
                previous commit.
              - Normalized a couple more 'URL:'.
              - Improved handling of None payloads.
              - Cleaned up a few charset coercions.
  OutgoingRunner.py - Made probe bounce processing and queuing of bounces
                      conditional on having some permanent failure(s).

=== modified file 'Mailman/Handlers/Scrubber.py'
--- a/Mailman/Handlers/Scrubber.py      2007-06-15 22:22:33 +0000
+++ b/Mailman/Handlers/Scrubber.py      2007-06-22 17:49:27 +0000
@@ -223,7 +223,7 @@
                 replace_payload_by_text(part, _("""\
 An embedded and charset-unspecified text was scrubbed...
 Name: %(filename)s
-Url: %(url)s
+URL: %(url)s
 """), lcset)
         elif ctype == 'text/html' and isinstance(sanitize, IntType):
             if sanitize == 0:
@@ -293,7 +293,7 @@
 Subject: %(subject)s
 Date: %(date)s
 Size: %(size)s
-Url: %(url)s
+URL: %(url)s
 """), lcset)
         # If the message isn't a multipart, then we'll strip it out as an
         # attachment that would have to be separately downloaded.  Pipermail
@@ -316,6 +316,7 @@
             desc = part.get('content-description', _('not available'))
+            desc = Utils.oneline(desc, lcset)
             filename = part.get_filename(_('not available'))
             filename = Utils.oneline(filename, lcset)
             replace_payload_by_text(part, _("""\
@@ -324,7 +325,7 @@
 Type: %(ctype)s
 Size: %(size)d bytes
 Desc: %(desc)s
-Url : %(url)s
+URL: %(url)s
 """), lcset)
         outer = False
     # We still have to sanitize multipart messages to flat text because
@@ -356,14 +357,14 @@
                 text.append(_('Skipped content of type %(partctype)s\n'))
-                t = part.get_payload(decode=True)
+                t = part.get_payload(decode=True) or ''
             # MAS: TypeError exception can occur if payload is None. This
             # was observed with a message that contained an attached
             # message/delivery-status part. Because of the special parsing
             # of this type, this resulted in a text/plain sub-part with a
             # null body. See bug 1430236.
             except (binascii.Error, TypeError):
-                t = part.get_payload()
+                t = part.get_payload() or ''
             # TK: get_content_charset() returns 'iso-2022-jp' for internally
             # crafted (scrubbed) 'euc-jp' text part. So, first try
             # get_charset(), then get_content_charset() for the parts
@@ -373,21 +374,20 @@
                 partcharset = str(partcharset)
                 partcharset = part.get_content_charset()
-            # If the part is Content-Type: message/delivery-status, payload is
-            # None so test here.
-            if t and partcharset and partcharset <> charset:
+            if partcharset and partcharset <> charset:
                     t = unicode(t, partcharset, 'replace')
-                except (UnicodeError, LookupError, ValueError, AssertionError):
-                    # Replace funny characters.  We use errors='replace' for
-                    # both calls since the first replace will leave U+FFFD,
-                    # which isn't ASCII encodeable.
-                    u = unicode(t, 'ascii', 'replace')
-                    t = u.encode('ascii', 'replace')
+                except (UnicodeError, LookupError, ValueError,
+                        AssertionError):
+                    # We can get here if partcharset is bogus in come way.
+                    # Replace funny characters.  We use errors='replace'
+                    t = unicode(t, 'ascii', 'replace')
                     # Should use HTML-Escape, or try generalizing to UTF-8
                     t = t.encode(charset, 'replace')
-                except (UnicodeError, LookupError, ValueError, AssertionError):
+                except (UnicodeError, LookupError, ValueError,
+                        AssertionError):
+                    # if the message charset is bogus, use the list's.
                     t = t.encode(lcset, 'replace')
             # Separation is useful
             if isinstance(t, StringType):
@@ -401,7 +401,8 @@
             s = unicode(sep, lcset, 'replace')
             sep = s.encode(charset, 'replace')
-        except (UnicodeError, LookupError, ValueError):
+        except (UnicodeError, LookupError, ValueError,
+                AssertionError):
         replace_payload_by_text(msg, sep.join(text), charset)
         if format:
@@ -479,7 +480,8 @@
             # which one should we go with?  For now, let's go with the one we
             # guessed so attachments can't lie about their type.  Also, if the
             # filename /has/ no extension, then tack on the one we guessed.
-            filebase, ignore = os.path.splitext(filename)
+            # The extension was removed from the name above.
+            filebase = filename
         # Now we're looking for a unique name for this file on the file
         # system.  If msgdir/filebase.ext isn't unique, we'll add a counter
         # after filebase, e.g. msgdir/filebase-cnt.ext

=== modified file 'Mailman/Queue/OutgoingRunner.py'
--- a/Mailman/Queue/OutgoingRunner.py   2005-08-27 01:40:17 +0000
+++ b/Mailman/Queue/OutgoingRunner.py   2007-06-22 17:49:27 +0000
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-# Copyright (C) 2000-2004 by the Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+# Copyright (C) 2000-2007 by the Free Software Foundation, Inc.
 # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
 # modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
@@ -12,7 +12,8 @@
 # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
 # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
-# Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, 
+# Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301,
+# USA.
 """Outgoing queue runner."""
@@ -91,7 +92,7 @@
             return True
         except Errors.SomeRecipientsFailed, e:
             # Handle local rejects of probe messages differently.
-            if msgdata.get('probe_token'):
+            if msgdata.get('probe_token') and e.permfailures:
                 self._probe_bounce(mlist, msgdata['probe_token'])
                 # Delivery failed at SMTP time for some or all of the
@@ -103,7 +104,9 @@
                 # this is what's sent to the user in the probe message.  Maybe
                 # we should craft a bounce-like message containing information
                 # about the permanent SMTP failure?
-                self._queue_bounces(mlist.internal_name(), e.permfailures, msg)
+                if e.permfailures:
+                    self._queue_bounces(mlist.internal_name(), e.permfailures,
+                                        msg)
                 # Move temporary failures to the qfiles/retry queue which will
                 # occasionally move them back here for another shot at
                 # delivery.

(no title)

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