Abhilash Raj pushed to branch master at GNU Mailman / Mailman Core

b10ee11e by Antoine Beaupré at 2019-02-08T20:10:10Z
fix CI failures since newer flake8 release came out

It seems that a new flake8 release broke CI, at least according to
this job, which was triggered by MR !443 that touches unrelated code:


One is an indentation problem that is clarified, the other is ignored,
as I believe the specific comparison is deliberate.

- - - - -
5efdbfc6 by Abhilash Raj at 2019-02-08T21:29:23Z
Merge branch 'qa' into 'master'

fix CI failures since newer flake8 release came out

See merge request mailman/mailman!444
- - - - -

2 changed files:

- src/mailman/handlers/cook_headers.py
- src/mailman/rest/validator.py


@@ -106,9 +106,9 @@ def process(mlist, msg, msgdata):
         # List admin wants an explicit Reply-To: added
         if (mlist.reply_goes_to_list is ReplyToMunging.explicit_header
-            or mlist.reply_goes_to_list is
-                ReplyToMunging.explicit_header_only):
-                    add(parseaddr(mlist.reply_to_address))
+            or mlist.reply_goes_to_list
+                is ReplyToMunging.explicit_header_only):
+            add(parseaddr(mlist.reply_to_address))
         # If we're not first stripping existing Reply-To: then we need to add
         # the original Reply-To:'s to the list we're building up.  In both
         # cases we'll zap the existing field because RFC 2822 says max one is

@@ -99,7 +99,7 @@ def list_of_strings_validator(values):
     # bug where an empty string ('') would be interpreted as a valid value ['']
     # to create a singleton list, instead of empty list, which in later stages
     # would create other problems.
-    if values is '':
+    if values is '':  # noqa: F632
         return []
     if not isinstance(values, (list, tuple)):
         values = [values]

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