Bugs item #608774, was opened at 2002-09-13 06:38
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Category: Web/CGI
Group: 2.1 beta
Status: Open
Resolution: None
Priority: 5
Submitted By: Eugene Eric Kim (eekim)
Assigned to: Nobody/Anonymous (nobody)
Summary: Stripped port info from DEFAULT_URL_HOST

Initial Comment:
I installed Mailman 2.1b3 on a Linux box with Apache 2
running on port 2000.  I added the following lines to

  DEFAULT_URL_HOST = "host.domain:2000"

(host.domain is my hostname and domain name.)  I then
accessed http://host.domain:2000/mailman/admin and
created a new list.  The list was created just fine,
except in the resulting "Mailing list creation results"
page, the first two options ("Visit list info" and
"Visit list admin") stripped port 2000 from the URL. 
Also, the confirmation e-mail I received also stripped
port 2000 from the URLs.  However, the third option
("Create another list") did have port 2000 in the URL.


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