On Wed, Oct 15, 2003 at 12:17:14PM +0200, J?rgen A.Erhard wrote:
> Please, give me (us) some way to look at a bounce message.  I feel
> so... powerless.  It feels Microsofty... or, worse, Apple-y (sorry
> Chuq ;-).  "You don't need to look at a bounce message, you won't
> understand it anyway."  Well, I think I'd do (or I wouldn't be
> subscribed to this list ;-)

Ooh, I like this idea.  I frequently end up forwarding the triggering bounce
notices to my users, and it'd be great if they could look them up

Make sure this idea gets to the wiki so it isn't accidentally forgotten.

Which reminds me, I had something else about bounce notices to add there...

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