On Mon, 2004-03-29 at 17:39, Fil wrote:
> I'd really love to add somme sleep() function just after the deliveryfunc()
> call, something that would set Mailman to sleep about 1/10th of a second per
> recipient. 

I just don't see the point of this.  You may have stopped a large list
inject being so aggressive on CPU usage, but you have increased the
lifetime of processes by a factor of 30 or so (on your figures), and so
increased the memory pressure and likelihood of swapping etc due to
processes being just as fat but lasting longer.

Your users may notice the big lists getting much slower - and having
deliveries smeared over a much longer period.

You may find you have made things less efficient by having 2 deliveries
to a single list slowed down so that different messages to the same
recipient can no longer be put in the same SMTP session (if your MTA
does that).  For that matter can multiple deliveries be made against the
same list at the same time?

Why not just run the cron jobs under nice instead?

[ Nigel Metheringham           [EMAIL PROTECTED] ]
[ - Comments in this message are my own and not ITO opinion/policy - ]

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