On Aug 30, 2004, at 7:39 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Ugh: we have, at last count, 2,459 lists.  Many are inactive and could
probably be culled, but even so, there's no way I could go through all
those request files by hand during an acceptable amount of downtime.
Even if I could, they're not my lists; I can't make decisions for the
list owners about administrative requests for their lists, and there's
no way I'll be able to get all the list owners to clean out their
requests without more flowing in.  So if we really do have to have all
the request files empty before an upgrade, there's no way we'll be able
to upgrade.

Well, the alternative is to write (or commission someone else to write) the conversion script... I just don't think one's been written yet. (And I'd be happy to be proven wrong on this.)

What you'd need to do is find out what data's stored in your current request pickles (.pck files), find out what data is stores in the newer pickles, and convert from one to the other, using default values for any additional fields (eg: the "real name" field which has been added to the user subscription requests).

Using python, it should be easy enough to unpickle the requests and see what's in them, and it shouldn't actually be that hard to build new request pickles from the old. The only real problem is that getting it all right is likely to be time-consuming work. (Which is why it's easier for many people to just clear the queues.) I'd guess it'd take maybe a couple of days for someone who didn't mind sifting through the source and the pickles to see what's what.

So... how's your python?

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