At 12:07 PM -0500 2006-01-03, Barry Warsaw wrote:

>  I'm actually thinking we need /less/ magic in command line scripts,
>  especially for typical user and admin tasks, because I think
>  increasingly, fewer people have access to the command line (or know what
>  to do with it when they've got it).

        The command-line scripts are not for your average joe-user sites. 
The command-line scripts are for people like me, Chuq, Skip, and 
anyone else who operates or may want to operate a larger site, and 
has not written such a tool for themselves -- at least, not yet.

        That is, unless you can build an admin interface that can deal 
with hundreds of thousands of queued messages without killing both 
the server and the client.

>  I'm keen on the idea of making Mailman access available via xmlrpc or
>  somesuch, and then we can provide scripts that can be run on the client
>  w/o requiring a browser.

        I'm not opposed to that, but I'd want to make sure those kinds of 
tools could also be run on the server where the list is hosted.

>>      IMAP would probably be an improvement over what we have now,
>>  assuming you've got a decent IMAP client -- that's not necessarily a
>>  valid assumption.  But my experience is that IMAP falls down too
>>  (especially depending on the IMAP server implementation), and you
>>  need something even scalable when that happens.
>  True.  (Aside: why do all mail clients suck so much? :)

        All mail servers suck, too.

Brad Knowles, <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

"Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little
temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety."

     -- Benjamin Franklin (1706-1790), reply of the Pennsylvania
     Assembly to the Governor, November 11, 1755

  LOPSA member since December 2005.  See <>.
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