(Reposting this, since Python.org's mail servers are having issues)

 > BTW, what do you think about changing the way we hold messages for
 > digests?  E.g. instead of putting them in an mbox file, where it's
 > more difficult to skip bad messages, stick them in a queue-like
 > directory and pull them from there.  Any messages that can't be read
 >  and scrubbed would just be removed.

Hey Barry,

Do you mean as mailman builds the file during the day for the digest?
If so, why would there be a bad message in there?  If mailman's already
processed a message and blasted it out to all the normal delivery
people, why would there be a problem with it?

Also, while we are sort of on the topic, would it be possible to put the
message count back in the subject line?  I recall there was a problem
with the count being off from the actual number of messages... is this
what you were getting at?

One thing I hacked into a 2.0.x version was a "brief" digest - one that
only gave the message subject list.  The changes in ToDigest in 2.1.x
were such that it made it a lot more difficult to make this happen.  It
would be great to get it back.  I can revisit the code and see if I can
come up with a patch, but other things need to stablize a bit.

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