Hi Barry,

when I tried to do some work on Mailman, a while ago (a few years, in
fact), I was not put off by the (then) CVS system used, but more by
the fact that it seemed very difficult to get write priviledges (I
didn't insist enough either, though I got the GNU assignment papers);
and by the fact that the GNU requirements are quite strict, which lead
me to wonder what was really "mine" in the patch I would have liked to
offer (as it was inspired in part by someone else's patch).

The ticket system at Sourceforge is/was almost unusable.

So, in the end, I have my own little patch on my personal SVN server,
which of course almost no one has read, and which evidently got
outdated, and, well, will stay in that state until I find the time to
upgrade it again, compare all by hand and test.

I'm not sure a new versioning system can help for this kind of
problem, but if it can, I'm all for it (though I don't really fancy
learning yet another versioning system, as I'm very happy with SVN for
my developments).

Not really an answer, and a bit off-topic, sorry. :)  HTH anyway

-- Fil
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