On Mar 24, 2008, at 10:49 PM, Stephen J. Turnbull wrote:
>> What?  I'm sorry, but Mailman has been blamed for backscatter for
>> like 3 years going now.
> If you say so.  I first heard of the issue within the last year, and
> that in the context of bouncing back whole messages.  And it wasn't
> from you.

Don't read any spam mailing lists or even Wikipedia much, eh?

> However, I have to wonder how your Mailman users will feel if you
> change your AUP, and they discover that the *only* post you've made
> (according to archive search) before going into BOFH mode is this one:

Mailman is currently violating our AUP.  I don't have any  
responsibility for that.  In fact, my failure in this has been the  
amount of lenience I have given Mailman users, hoping that you guys  
would pay attention to all of the negative press and the fairly  
constant barrage of people on this list questioning these issues.

> I see no urgency from you there, it got no response from the
> developers (shame on them, but these things happen), and you dropped
> the topic for almost a year.

The topic has never been dropped.  It has been repeatedly raised by  
me and others, both on this list and to the developers in person.  It  
has been raised even in the print press.  This whole "you didn't make  
us aware of this problem" approach you are taking here is... got no  
good words for this without being rude.

Jo Rhett
Net Consonance : consonant endings by net philanthropy, open source  
and other randomness

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